Beeline Administrator was designed to work best on an iPad, where the large screen makes it easy to see everything you need for your carpool, but we know that school administrators are often running around trying to solve problems and that access to an iPad may not always be possible. To make sure you can interact with your carpool wherever you are and without having to find an iPad to do it, we also made sure Beeline Administrator works on your phone so you can take it with you, wherever you are.
What you see depends on the size of iPhone you are using.
Because space is limited on phones, we've optimized the design to work the best it can on each size and to present as much information as the device is capable of showing. No matter what size your device is, you can reach all areas of the app and perform all functions.
Below are the primary design differences you can expect so you won't miss anything while using your phone to view your school or carpool data.
The pickup screen found inside your schedule:
On all phone sizes, the width of the screen while the phone is in portrait is not wide enough to allow for including names, so all you will see in portrait mode is the car number, an icon for the driver, an icon for each kid, and an icon for the actions you can apply. To see all information, including names, just rotate the phone to landscape and the names will appear:

Navigation differences:
On smaller phones such as an iPhone 6, 7, 8, X 11 or even an iPhone SE, you'll be more limited on how the app navigates, with the navigation requiring the full screen and requiring you to "dig in" to see content and to then "back out" to see the navigation options again.
If you are using a larger pro-sized phone, such as a iPhone 6+, 7+, 8+, Xs Max, 11 Max or 12 Pro Max, simply turning the phone to landscape view will show the app as you are used to, just in a smaller window, with navigation on the left and content on the right, as shown in this image:

The best time to learn about how the app works and to get comfortable with the navigation on your phone is when you aren't actively running a carpool, so we recommend taking five minutes to load the app on your phone, click around and get comfortable with using Beeline Administrator on the phone you'll have with you, in portrait and in landscape.
While it's never perfect to navigate any complex data on a small phone screen we feel we've made Beeline Administrator usable enough that you'll be able to understand what's going on in your carpool even if all you have with you is your phone.
If you want or need a walkthrough for using the Admin app on a phone of any size, just send us a note, we'd love to run you through a Zoom, Skype or Google Meet, and we'll even customize it to the phone you are using!